Monday, January 29, 2007

Here fishy, fishy, fishy. . .

For all of you wierd animal lovers out there (YOU know who you are).

Japanese scientists have captured on film a very rare type of shark. The frilled shark usually keeps to very deep water. Not something you are likely to find in the wading pool.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

That was no sloth, it was my husband.

Not surprising. He probably could reach the remote. Any similarities to the previous post are completely coincidental.

From Yahoo News:

Wed Jan 24, 11:46 AM ET
JENA, Germany - Scientists in the eastern German city of Jena said Wednesday they have finally given up after three years of failed attempts to entice a sloth into budging as part of an experiment in animal movement.
The sloth, named Mats, was remanded to a zoo after consistently refusing to climb up and then back down a pole, as part of an experiment conducted by scientists at the University of Jena's Institute of Systematic Zoology and Evolutionary Biology.
Neither pounds of cucumbers nor plates of homemade spaghetti were appetizing enough to make Mats move.
"Mats obviously wanted absolutely nothing to do with furthering science," said Axel Burchardt, a university spokesman.
Mats' new home is the zoo in the northwestern city of Duisburg where, according to all reports, he is very comfortable.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Uh . . .yeah . . .I'm awake . . .

Still here, and almost recovered from the holidays.