Thursday, October 30, 2008

Life's A Song

Life's A Song
By John Hadley & Sean Locke

Lately I've been countin' up all my days good and bad
I found that joy has more than doubled all the trouble I've had
From now on I'm not gonna worry about what might be
I know I'm part of something a whole lot bigger than me
Life's a song we're all singing
Life's a song that never ends
We pass it on to sons and daughters and it starts all over again
We're all one big family like the stars in the sky
When we fall all the others shine on through the night
Life's a song we're all singing
Life's a song that never ends
We pass it on to sons and daughters and it starts all over again
For Dad.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

That Darn Overhead Projector!

Here is a great defense of government spending on science and education that so appalls John McCain. It includes comments from University of Chicago Professor of Astronomy who cites the mission of the Alder Planetarium's SkyTheater: "on inspiring young people, particularly women and minorities, to pursue careers in science."

I long for the day when spending billions on wasteful, unnecessary wars is criticised, and spending on the science that inspires us and moves us forward is praised.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Quicksilver Messenger Planet

New stunning images of Mercury. The Messenger probe is still settling in to its eventual 2011 orbit. See more at