Wednesday, November 30, 2005

K is for Kristin & Karen

I love this picture of Kristin, drawn by her sister Karen. We are blessed with two smart, extremely talented daughters. They continue to amaze us every day.

Monday, November 28, 2005

J is just for Joe.

Scary, huh!

But seriously folks, we could not be prouder of our son Joseph. Musician, scholar, artist, vivisectionist, debonair man-about-town - a true renaissance man.

We love ya Joe.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I is for Illusion

Today's eyeball bender was noticed by Marsha. Can you guess what it is?It is a picture of Marsha's electric hair rollers magnified in her makeup mirror.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

H is for Haruka

Here is Haruka, Queen of the household and fearless defender of the weak and innocent. She rules with an iron paw, when she is not sleeping, eating or hiding from noisy people. Her rule is acknowledged by all, except maybe Xena: Warrior Kitten (more about her when we get to X). Long Live the Queen!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

G . . . must be for Gentlemen

For some reason, Marsha thought that this picture would be appropriate for today's letter. I don't know why. I just see two dignified gentlemen in hats, sharing a bench.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

F is for Family

Thanksgiving is almost here, and this picture seemed perfect for the occasion. We will always be thankful for Joe, Matt, Karen and Kristin, along with special family members Xena and Haruka.

Joe is coming home from School today for the holiday week, so we will have some time to spend with the whole brood.

Enjoy some time with your family this weekend.

Friday, November 18, 2005

E is for Euphonium!

Today, son Joe is auditioning at the Mason Gross school of music at Rutgers University. Good Luck Joe!

Here is an older picture of Joe in his high school marching band uniform with his marching euphonium. The concert euphonium looks more like a small tuba. Last weekend, we enjoyed seeing Joe perform with the Rutgers Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble. Quite the resonance!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

D is for Dinosaur

This is a marvelous drawing from my son Matt. He has a wonderful mind that revels in the surreal and absurd. The idea of juxtaposing Tyrannosaurus Rex and Trigonometry always makes me smile.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

C is for Children

And here are mine, in one of my favorite drawings by daughter Karen. The girls are cats and the boys are monkeys, but their individual personalities show through clearly.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

B is for Boxes

I don't know how long I can keep the alphabet thing going, but the letter B reminded me of this picture. It is one of my favorite drawings by my daughter Kristin.

A is for Anything

As I am sure you all know, The Encyclopedia Galactica Foundation was the basis of Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. I thought it would be a good blog name for I site where I can post whatever comes to mind.