This coming Election Day, New Jersey voters will be asked to approve four state ballot questions. The fourth is a proposed change to the state constitution.
Shall the amendment of Article II, Section I, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, agreed to by the Legislature, revising the current constitutional language concerning denial of the right to vote by deleting the phrase “idiot or insane person” and providing instead that a “person who has been adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting” shall not enjoy the right of suffrage, be adopted?I am sure that many will aver that idiots have been voting in New Jersey for many years, despite the apparent constitutional ban. This confusion is understandable. The real problem is not who votes, but who they are voting
for. What the state really needs is a ban on idiots being elected.
For now, at least, please go to the polls this year and vote for the idiot of your choice.