Monday, December 19, 2005

B is for the Birds

God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages. ~Jacques Deval, Afin de vivre bel et bien

One of the simple joys of our life is watching the many birds that grace our neighborhood. We just brought our fourth feeder, a neat little job that sticks to the window. I hope the cats don't scare them all away. Actually, one of the reasons we like to feed the birds is the idea that it is like TV for felines.

I need to get better at photographing them at a distance, or maybe I need to get better at sneaking up on them. I want to get some close-up shots of the Gold Finches that love the thistle feeder, and of the Nuthatches eating suet upside down. Maybe by the time B rolls around again. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! I feel like I'm special now :) Especially cause I got a collage. Thanks Mom and Dad McKenna. I really love it :)

By the way... the "M" of you two, is quite cheesy and incredibly adorable. :)