Friday, February 27, 2015

Old tales

I listen to audio books on my lunch time walks and on the long commute home from work.  I enjoy the books immensely and have been able to be caught up in a number of books, including the Game of Thrones series, The Hunger Games and Gone Girl.  I especially enjoy book series that involve continuing characters.  My favorites include Lee Child's Reacher novels, Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta series,Michael Connely's Bosch and Linclon Lawyer books and the multiple series created by David Baldacci.

I have also been able to re-read (or listen to) some of my old favorite Sci-Fi authors.  I recently finished Isaac Asimov's I, Robot and just listened to Arthur C. Clarke's masterful Childhood's End.  I think both of these books have held up well and the blend of actual science and engaging story lines reminds me how these tales first captured my imagination.  I wish more of the old Sci-Fi books were available from my public library's audio collection.  I would love to be able to re-visit more of my old friends.

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