Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Terri and Lloyd at the Tin Angel

We saw Terri Hendrix and Lloyd Maines for the second time, at the Tin Angel in Philadelphia.
This is a small performance space above a restaurant in the Old City section of Philadelphia (near the Plough and Stars). The room is about 15 feet wide and 100 feet long. We had seats about 6 feet from the stage and took these (no flash) pictures - some with Marsha's cell phone.
The Philly crowd was very different from the ones at the country club in Amenia, NY. These fans were very familiar with Terri's music. I suspect that, like us, they had heard Terri played on the University of Penn station, WXPN. Terri told us how she had met Gene Shay, who DJ'd a folk music show in Philly for many years, at a festival in Texas. She was thrilled when Gene brought one of her early CDs back with him - excitably telling all her friends that she was being played in far off Philadelphia.
Terri and Lloyed played up a storm! I can only describe some of their furious strumming as fierce. And their voices were wonderful. Terri easily floats from country crooning, to skat, to soulful ballads that will melt your heart.

They had us all sing along with the Car Car song, instructing everyone how to make the correct bbbbbbppppp engine sound with their lips.

Terri also sang a couple of new songs, and Acre of Land (which we had heard in NY) and Spirtual Kind, where Terri explained her religious upbringing:

"I'm a little bit Catholic, a little bit Jew
a little bit Baptist, and Episcopalian too"

Right now, Terri is in the studio recording music for her next CD.

Strummin' hard!

They also talked about how well their children's album has been received. They are coming back to the Philadelphia Zoo in August to perform for the kids. Performing for children has been an eye opening, and scary, experience however. Lloyd explained that when they start to play, all of the kids are immediately entranced . . .

... for 15 seconds. Then the short attention spans kick in. Lloyd mentioned that, in the middle of a song, one kid jumped and pointed to the ground, shouting "A grasshopper!".

You da man! No, you da man!

We will try to get to the zoo to lend some support, and enjoy the music. Marsha had a nice conversation with Terri after the show, and took a picture of her with a shocked fan. We are both very impressed by just what nice people Terri and Lloyd are. Marsha told Terri that we will have to go see her in Texas, as soon as she gets some black T shirts to sell at the show. San Marcos, here we come!

1 comment:

Erin Nowak, Designer and Illustrator said...

Hey Uncle Mike and Aunt Marsha! We had hoped to make it down to the Philly Zoo for Terri's Rock 'N' Roar concert but our August is looking frighteningly booked. Our zoo may down the street, but the Philly Zoo has rock shows! I think Leah would love it, although I could see her pulling a "grasshopper!!!" move too, but we'll never know just what a short attention span she has until we try :) We heard you'll be in our neck of the woods this weekend. We will definitely be around, so give us a call or email. Leah hopes to see you!