Thursday, January 26, 2006

S is for Saturn

With the letter S we move further out in the solar system to majestic Saturn.

The ringed planet will be in opposition to the earth on Friday, January 27. This means that Saturn, the Earth and the Sun are lined up with Earth in the middle. This is usually when Earth is closest to Saturn, and because it is opposite the Sun, Saturn will be rising in the East when the Sun is setting in the West. This all makes for a terrific time to view this wonderful planet.

If you don't want to stand out in the cold with your binoculars, you can visit the NASA-JPL Cassini-Huygens web site. The Cassini spacecraft has been orbiting Saturn for over a year, sending back spectacular photos of its’ massive storm systems, its’ glorious rings, and dozens of moons.

The Huygens lander descended to the surface of the planet-sized moon Titan in January 2005, relaying back pictures of a mysterious landscape that may include methane rivers and rainfall.
Titan Landscape

Musical Interlude

From Another Planet

Terri Hendrix
Lloyd Maines

Janet from another planet
Says Johnny can
Make a big comeback from Johnny land
When the rabbit ears work on the TV set
They settle for the only channel they can get

Click here for soundbite

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