Friday, June 09, 2006

W is for Wine

Sorry, but you want find these labels at your favorite wine shop. These were Marsha's final project for her Computer graphics class (These were done with Adobe Illustrator). Unfortunately, the colors do not come out correctly on the web.

Erin doesn't have to worry about new competition, though. Marsha said that doing graphic design is too much work. Programming, now that is easy.

Classic French

American Contemporary

For the Reunite crowd (you know who you are!)

1 comment:

Erin Nowak, Designer and Illustrator said...

Go Aunt Marsha! Illustrator is a tough program and those labels are so detailed! Good work. I wish I could have a glass of that 1967 Chateau de McKenna...maybe after this next baby arrives :) As Homer would say, "MMMmmm Wine..."