Monday, February 13, 2006

B is for Be my Valentine

I remember sharing crossword puzzles with you at break time.

I remember nervously meeting your parents for the first time; talking to your father as he worked in the garage,

We went out to the movies and ate at the Gaslight and Danzers.

I made you stupid Valentine cards; not brave enough to be serious.

You helped me move to New jersey (the first time), unsure if I was ever coming back.

You took me to the weddings of your friends (were these hints?). I took you to meet my family (my sister didn't hint - she coerced).

I remember smiling and laughing with you at the altar - we had the best time.

You made our apartment in Rochester into a home, where we enjoyed the ducks, the deep dish pizza, and cooking for each other.

I made you go to Kinks concerts with me, and you never complained.

When I asked if you wanted to move to New Jersey, you said "Why not".

We watched the thunderstorms roll across the golf course from our balcony in Blackwood.

I remember you driving all the way down to Pennsville to give me the news in person (Twins!).

I missed you when you were working nights and I was left with two hungry babies.

A new house, more babies.

Our trip to Hawaii; trips to Florida.

Trips to New York with a car load of kids; playing games and singing silly songs.

Parent's night at elementary school; middle school; high-school.

I remember feeling more frightened and helpless than I have ever felt.

Art shows, poetry readings, concerts, graduations. The pride in your eyes.

I remember fights, although I don't remember what they were about.

Our grown-up trip to Disney World: the carriage ride; eating at Citricos; the Cirque du Soleil.

I remember all this, and more.

I remember sharing it all with you.

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